
Earn $15 worth of BNB

The Binance Ecosystem

The Binance Ecosystem has more to offer than you imagine. Learn about them and earn free $BNB.

Lesson 7

• 12 mins

The Binance Ecosystem Quiz

Well done going through all the lessons! Now, it’s time to put your knowledge to the test.

Rewards Details:
The first 20 submissions with 100% score on the quiz will get an airdrop of $15 worth of BNB each.
The following 30 submissions with 100% score on the quiz will get an airdrop of $10 worth of BNB each.
The following 80 submissions with 100% score on the quiz will get an airdrop of $5 worth of BNB each.

30+ rewards redeemed

Wait! Are you an EnRats holder? Enlightened Rats holders will gain early access to our Nexus courses for 3 days. Please remember to submit the same wallet address you use to store your EnRats.

Start Quizzing!

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