Hey Chain Debrief Community,

What week am I right? 

Not sure about you but the only thing on my mind was the FOMC (Federal Open Market Committee) meeting.

I was really worried about the Fed rate hike and how much it would impact the crypto market as a whole. I was expecting a red market and started to hedge on my positions. 

But once again I was proven wrong. The rate hike was only 0.25% and the market was a sea of green. 

Anyway, the million-dollar bet by Do Kwon made me start to wonder if he is hiding a trump card behind him. Maybe he has some game-changing protocol just waiting to be launched. Really excited to see what Terra can achieve!  

Alpha alert! Keep your eyes peeled as we are going to launch something exciting! 

— Gab from Chain Debrief 

Here are the market sentiments this week:

Image Credit: Chain Debrief

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Chain Debrief Community Sentiment:

Will Do Kwon win his bet that $LUNA will be above US$88 a year later?

Image Credit: Chain Debrief

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