Hey Chain Debrief Community,

In last week’s newsletter, I casually mentioned that we should all buckle up and enjoy the ride, but I honestly wasn’t expecting a wild rollercoaster ride with many ups and downs this week.  

The whole crypto market is in a confused state after Andre Cronje’s abrupt announcement to leave the DeFi space and US President Biden’s executive order on cryptocurrencies. 

In this week’s Market Debrief we broke down Joe Biden’s executive order on cryptocurrencies and how it will affect the crypto market. 

Besides that, we also looked into the almighty LUNA and its insane performance this week as it broke all-time highs. 

Shout out to my fellow CD editor Joel for his hard work and excellent analysis on this week’s Market Debrief. 

— Gab from Chain Debrief

Here are the market sentiments this week:

Image Credit: Chain Debrief

Editor’s Picks

📈 Market Debrief: Luna Breaking ATH, Biden’s Crypto Executive Order, Are NFTs Becoming Cold?

The big news in the crypto space this week.

💀 Fantom is dead?

We ask ourselves what is Fantom without Andre Conje

💬 How interest rates affect crypto

Why are crypto prices so dependent on interest rates?  

📊 Do you know about the multiple avenues to on-ramp and off ramp?

Some avenues even the pros might not know

❤️ Are you a Solana fanboy?

Here are the top 5 avenues where you can stake SOL and earn low-risk yield.

🤷🏻‍♂️ CEX vs DEX

What is the difference between them?

Chain Debrief Community Sentiment:

Has FTM reached the bottom?

Image Credit: Chain Debrief

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