Just today, Arbitrum announced that they are ready to migrate to Nitro at the end of this month.

After a successful migration of the Arbitrum Rinkeby testnet, they have confirmed that their system is ready for the full shift. This will occur on the 31st of August, the one-year anniversary of Arbitrum One public beta.

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What Is Arbitrium Nitro?

If you did not know, Arbitrum is a Layer 2 scaling solution for Ethereum, built by Offchain Labs. It uses optimistic rollups to improve the scalability of the underlying Layer 1 and has achieved a TVL of ~$830M at the time of writing.

Arbitrum Nitro is the next level, meant to be more EVM-compatible, and create a better experience for users. It targets a “20-50x increase in” in throughput and “a sizable decrease in costs”.

Furthermore, the upgrade will be seamless for users. The team will integrate Nitro without interruption, and pledges to avoid downtime or deleting the blockchain’s data.

How Do I Prepare For Nitro?

Technically, there is nothing developers and users have to do for the Nitro upgrade.

However, there has been speculation that an Arbitrum token will eventually drop, given the pace of the project.

Image Courtesy: Optimism

Should their airdorp mirror that of Optimism’s, users should bridge over and start using the chain. Furthermore, participating in Aribtrum events such as their testnets may be beneficial.

Also Read: Optimism Farming Season Arrives – Here’s How To Get Your Piece

[Editor’s Note: This article does not represent financial advice. Please do your own research before investing.]

Featured Image Credit: coinlive