[Editor’s Note: This article does not represent financial advice. Please do your own research before investing.]

Here at ChainDebrief, our day to day is spent reading, researching, and talking about crypto. Often, we get into debates on which projects have actual potential.

From long-term holds to random shitcoins, every point of view is represented daily. As such, we wanted to share our light-hearted takes with readers, and maybe get some insights as well.

1. Yusoff – Ethereum Classic, Bitcoin Cash

As a writer and crypto noob, Yusoff joined right before the Covid-19 dump and tends to play on the left curve side of things.

As such, he has taken the upcoming Ethereum merge as a sign for Ethereum Classic to pump, alongside the mirror play of Bitcoin Cash.

His rationale?

However, he warns that these are NOT long term holds, and leverage should be avoided due to high volatility.

2. Joel – USDC

Joel’s pick for Q3 2022 reflects his conservative nature, after being burned by one too many crashes.

Thankfully, his $USDC pick has been outperforming the wider market, holding at a steady $1.

So what does he do with his $USDC – leverage trading apparently. In an act of irony, he is trying to donate his safest asset back to market as fast as possible.

(Disclaimer: Joel has actually done really well recently trading)

3. Gab – $GMX

The man in charge of the newsletter, Gab is the most up to date on the markets and key insights in crypto.

Being the smartest (and most attractive) person in the office, Gab has chosen $GMX – which has done extremely well. With total revenue for the protocol going up, it seems like a solid pick for the future.

Gab also loves the tokenomics of both $GMX and $GLP, with rewards being allocated in a non-inflationary manner.

Furthermore, $GLP stakers take the other side of traders automatically, and have been raking in profits non-stop.

4. A – Sell Rips

Our beloved, departed (departed as he is not currently working here) intern, A is our go-to guy for crypto.

Be it his takes on the bull case for crypto, or valuations, he has it all.

With the current view point that we are still not ready for a proper bull run, A is still waiting for prime conditions to buy.

As for exactly when those conditions are met – I guess we will have to dive through his work for alpha.

Special Guest – Jynheart

Being our NFT lead, Jyn has special insight into the world of JPEGs that many of us never get.

Furthermore, she has an eye for promising projects, and currently owns a few blue-chip NFTs, including multiple CloneX.

Always keeping a close ear to the ground, Jyn is looking at 9gag’s memeland as the next potential major project.

9gag recently launched their first product, The Potatoz, on Opensea, which will grant access into Memeland.

There is also rumor of a token airdrop from the creators, in the form of $MEME.

Closing Thoughts

While we all have our own own viewpoints, it is always nice to learn from others – and try and back personal theories.

In a fast-moving and complicated space like crypto, stepping out of your echo chamber once in awhile is essential. Furthermore, the speed at which it moves makes keeping up with new projects hard.

Have an opinion to add or something you would like to discuss? Check out the Chaindebrief telegram and discord communities!

[Editor’s Note: This article does not represent the views of Chaindebrief or any affiliated entities. Please do your own research before investing.]

Featured Image Credit: ChainDebrief